“Christ has no body but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks with compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good.
Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world.”
—St. Teresa of Avila
It’s that time of year again to give thanks and celebrate our gifts to one another and to God. If you haven't already, please prayerfully consider your commitment to the future of St. Andrew's. And take a moment to learn about how the Cathedral has touched the lives of her people and how her people have sustained her in the "Why I Love St. Andrew's" video series below.
An Ode to Stewardship by Kelly Butler
For all the Saints
For all the Saints
Who from your labors cannot yet rest...
This appeal is for you
To respond with your best.
To whom much is given
Much is required.
And your beloved Cathedral
Needs 25% higher.
. . . than what you gave last year
And in spite of inflation
But God does not economize
When we need His salvation.
There are basics, of course
To which the vestry is accountable
Like lights and the chiller
That make worship here possible.
So don't take these for granted
Now that pledging is upon us
Imagine driving here on a Sunday
To find shuttered darkness!
Or far into the future
When the Gen Z's assume our mantle
Will our foresight in 2025
Have sustained our beloved chancel?
And what about the Gospel
That calls us to serve the least?
THIS above all else must
Propel our pledged increase.
The Cathedral stands today
As a beacon in this place
Other parishes and denominations
Look to us to set the pace.
For the challenges of this world
Are sometimes magnified in our state
And we as Episcopalians
Are needed to translate...
... the Love of God to our companions
In the pews and in the hood
What it means to be a cheerful giver
Is to transform our gold into good.
So, I implore you to give generously
For the work of this great Church
That its mission may be unfettered
And unfurled from our Capitol Street perch.
There are several ways to do this.
By mail, in the plate, or online
Bobby and Holmes will be
grateful For getting this done on time!
November 1 is the deadline
And that's the Day of All the Saints
And those who've gone before us
Are likely urging no restraints!
We recognize the competition
For your resources, talents, and time
But if God is the source of all these gifts
Then returning a fair portion is sublime.
And sublime it would be
If in this giving season
You find yourself called
To give back for all these reasons.
Why I Love St. Andrew's
Bill Howard
The Cathedral, for Bill Howard, is a spiritual home—a place to be lifted up and a place to lift up others.
Katherine Blake
This week, Katherine Blake tells us about her love for Children's Chapel and all the fun she and her Cathedral friends have when they're at church together.
Sr. Warden Margaret McLarty
This week, Sr. Warden Margaret McLarty shares how many of the most significant moments in her life have taken place at the Cathedral.
Bishop Brian Seage
This week, Bishop Seage recalls the sense of belonging he felt at the Cathedral during his tenure as Bishop of Mississippi.
Stephanie Scott
Stephanie Scott talks about how everyone at the Cathedral looks out for one another in good times and bad.
Paul Blake
This week, in our video series “Why I Love St. Andrew’s,” hear how the Cathedral is a family and a place of refuge in a complicated world for Paul Blake.
Jimmy Rosen
This week, in our video series “Why I Love St. Andrew’s,” Jimmy Rosen shares how this faith community welcomes all and has provided him with lessons—and friends—that have lasted his entire life.
Belmont Trapp
Hear how the Cathedral has played a huge role in the life of Belmont Trapp, who’s been a parishioner since she was fifteen years old.