Choir rehearsals are currently on break for the summer and will resume in September.
The Parish Choir meets at 6 pm on Wednesdays and typically sings for the earlier Sunday morning service. The Cathedral Choir meets at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays and typically sings for the later Sunday morning service.
While both choirs require a reasonable singing voice, and the willingness and availability to make a commitment of time and talent, the Parish Choir is best suited for singers with basic to intermediate music reading skills, and the Cathedral Choir is best suited for singers with more developed music reading skills and significant experience with choral singing. Both choirs sing literature representing different times and places in our Anglican tradition, and both choirs are intentional, welcoming communities that care deeply for each other. Our work together makes visible (and audible!) the work of the Holy Spirit in our Cathedral community and beyond.
The Cathedral Children's Choir is open to first - fourth grade singers. This group rehearses at St. Andrew's Lower School and is offered as a part of the Lower School's after-school activities line-up. This group is open to singers from all schools, not just St. Andrew's, as well as singers from other parishes and faith traditions. This group sings occasionally for Lower School Big Chapel, and will sing for services at the Cathedral beginning in 2021.
Together with the Mississippi Museum of Art, the Cathedral offers Music in the City as a gift to the Jackson community. These salon-style recitals typically take place at MMA and feature Mississippi musicians.
The Slater Fellowship, named for the first cathedral organist and choirmaster Frank Slater, is designed to provide hands-on experience to an individual who has a documented interest in pursuing church music ministry as a vocation and is eager to gain experience in choral conducting, service playing, children’s music, or some combination thereof.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral maintains an impressive complement of instruments for liturgical and performance use, including an Aeolian-Skinner organ, an Anden Houben harpsichord modelled after Vaudry, three octaves of Malmark handbells, and a peal of bells manufactured by Verdin, located in the northwest tower of the Cathedral close. These bells can be heard throughout downtown, and call the faithful to prayer - wherever they may be - with daily hymns and other music.