Ways to Give to St. Andrew's

Make a Gift

Set Up a Recurring Payment

Legacy Giving
You can also arrange any type of gift you like offline by contacting the Cathedral Office.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral Stewardship 2021
Learn more about Stewardship 2021 by reading the Dean's letter or by hearing the stories of St. Andrew's parishioners. They're available on our social media platforms, but we've also gathered them for you here below. Please share!
Memorial Gifts
Give Through the Mail:
St. Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral
P.O. Box 1366
Jackson, Mississippi 39215
“Let us with gladness present the offerings and oblations of our life and labor to the Lord.”
“Let us with gladness present the offerings and oblations of our life and labor to the Lord.”
We say these words every Sunday as we gather to receive the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ. All that we have is from God and we acknowledge this as we offer, what we have and who we are, back to God, in gratitude, in trust, that God will transform our gifts and continue to hold us in blessing, which is precisely what happens when we receive “the gifts of God for the people of God.”
A grateful response to this blessing, your offerings and oblations, could come in the form of service in the church. It could come in the form of a random offering of money in the offertory plate.
A disciplined, grateful, response comes in the form of planned giving. It recognizes our responsibility to be good stewards of creation and to participate in bringing about the kingdom of God here on earth, to give as God gives, to love as God loves.
To make an annual pledge to the church is to say I have prayerfully considered what amount is a gracious response to the grace I have been given. I have prayerfully considered what amount is sacrificial - it will cost me something - because Jesus taught me to sacrifice for my relationship with God. I have trust in God, trust that God will be present, that God’s nature is abundance, that I can let go of control and give freely of what I have been given.
To make a contribution to the Cathedral Permanent Endowment fund and become a Cathedral Cornestone member is to say I appreciate those who came before me that laid a solid foundation so that our mission and ministry can endure.
To include St. Andrew’s Cathedral in your estate planning is to say I want to make sure the mission and ministry here survives for generations to come.