
“Christ has no body but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks with compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good.
Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world.”
                                         —St. Teresa of Avila

It’s that time of year again to give thanks and celebrate our gifts to one another and to God. If you haven't already, please prayerfully consider your commitment to the future of St. Andrew's. And take a moment to learn about how the Cathedral has touched the lives of her people and how her people have sustained her in the "Why I Love St. Andrew's" video series below.

Make your pledge online here

Why I Love St. Andrew's

Stephanie Scott

Stephanie Scott talks about how everyone at the Cathedral looks out for one another in good times and bad.

Paul Blake

This week, in our video series “Why I Love St. Andrew’s,” hear how the Cathedral is a family and a place of refuge in a complicated world for Paul Blake.

Jimmy Rosen

This week, in our video series “Why I Love St. Andrew’s,” Jimmy Rosen shares how this faith community welcomes all and has provided him with lessons—and friends—that have lasted his entire life.

Belmont Trapp

Hear how the Cathedral has played a huge role in the life of Belmont Trapp, who’s been a parishioner since she was fifteen years old.